Visualize results from a survey index model fitted with get_surveyidx().
Visualize results from a survey index model fitted with get_surveyidx().
alt.idx = NULL,
cols = 1:length(x$pModels),
select = c("index", "map", "residuals", "fitVsRes"),
par = list(mfrow = c(3, 3)),
colors = rev(grDevices::heat.colors(6)),
map.cex = 1,
plotByAge = TRUE,
legend = TRUE,
predD = NULL,
year = NULL,
main = NULL,
legend.signif = 3,
legend.pos = "topright",
restoreOldPar = FALSE,
mapBubbles = FALSE,
cutp = NULL,
- x
Survey index as produced by getsdmgamindex()
- dat
DATRASraw object
- alt.idx
optional matrix with alternative index
- myids
vector of haul ids that constitute the grid
- cols
which age columns to consider?
- select
character vector of chosen plots. Either one of "index","map","absolutemap","CVmap","residuals","fitVsRes",""resVsYear","resVsShip","spatialResiduals", or a number. Numbers refer to smooths in the order they appear in the formula.
- par
'par' settings for plotting (a named list).
- colors
colors for spatial effect.
- map.cex
size of grid points on maps
- plotByAge
boolean (default=TRUE). If true, par(par) is called for each age group.
- legend
boolean (default=TRUE). add legends to plot?
- predD
DATRASraw object with grid (optional). Overrides 'myids' if supplied.
- year
numeric scalar or vector (default=NULL). If 'select' equals 'map' a specific year can be chosen (only meaningful for time-varying spatial effects). If select equals 'absolutemap' or 'CVmap' then year must be a vector.
- main
optional main title (overrides default title)
- legend.signif
Number of significant digits in map legends
- legend.pos
Position of legend (e.g. "bottomleft") see ?legend
- restoreOldPar
restore old par() on exit? Default=FALSE
- mapBubbles
boolean (default=FALSE) add observation bubbles?
- cutp
optional vector of break points for the color scale on maps
- ...
Additional parameters for plot()